Enjoy the feeling of being connected.
By design, Pringle Creek Community provides residents with the opportunity to connect with neighbors, the land, and nature.

Neighbors connect with one another easily and naturally. The community is designed to accentuate walking and talking with large front porches and walking trails.
We lived in the country for 15 years and found it very isolating. We rarely interacted with our neighbors. Here, we know all our neighbors. Not a day goes by without a wave, a bit of chatter or the swap of just picked zucchini.
I feel safe that I know all my neighbors and trust that I could call on them for anything I’d need help with.
You meet people at the mailboxes, then visit in the garden. We talk to passersby from the balcony. Yeah, it’s that “connected” thing again!
We’ve watched the community grow and evolve. We’ve learned so much … and applied it to our lives … especially simplification. We really can do small things and make a big difference.
We heard a wee knock on the door and opened it to see two of the neighbor children who had made pumpkin muffins “just because you are so nice!”

It’s nice to know you can live so small with such abundance!
We have healthy homes that are economical to run, a win-win.
Tikkun Olam, or repairing the world, is here every day in every way. Such a wise way to live.
I love how safe it is here. Safe because neighbors watch out for one another, safe because my home is healthy with quality indoor air, fire suppression sprinklers and materials that are made to protect the earth’s resources.
I don’t have to go anywhere to recreate. I just step out the front door and I’m in a park.
Where else can you live where your CSA is just steps away? And where organic eggs are so fresh and nutritious?
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